Paul Van Wie Ph.D Presentation

Guest Speaker - Paul Van Wie Ph.D Dr. Van Wie has written several books about Long Island, including Franklin Square (Images of America), The Hempstead Plains - A Journey Through 350 Years of American History, and Landmarks of Hempstead Town. Dr. Van Wie will discuss the history of the Town of Hempstead and the importance of landmark preservation. While there are seven sites in Long Beach that have been placed on the National Register of Historic Places other sites in Long Beach have been recognized by the City of Long Beach as historically significant. Similar to other municipalities, Long Beach has lost many of its historic buildings over the years due to fires or demolition. Please join us a we listen to Dr. Van Wie speak of the history of our area and the challenges facing our efforts to preserve our history. Dr. Van Wie is president and founder of the Franklin Square Historical Society and has served on the Town of Hempstead Landmark...